Manager pays price for pressurising employees to work hard

A recent article on HR Katha discusses the dangers of workplace violence. The article cites two examples of employees who resorted to violence after being pressured by their managers to work harder and faster. In the first case, two employees beat up their manager. In the second case, three employees stole their employer’s boat in order to escape his abuse.

The article argues that these incidents are a wake-up call for managers. Managers need to be mindful of the pressure they put on their employees. While it’s important to have high expectations, it’s also important to create a safe and supportive work environment.

Here are some tips for managers to avoid pressuring employees too much:

  • Set clear expectations. Employees should know what is expected of them, but these expectations should be realistic.
  • Provide feedback. Let employees know how they are doing, and offer help and support when needed.
  • Create a work-life balance. Employees need time to rest and recharge outside of work.
  • Promote open communication. Employees should feel comfortable talking to their managers about any concerns they have.

By following these tips, managers can create a more positive and productive work environment for everyone.

In addition to the above, I would also add that it is important to recognize the signs of employee burnout. Burnout can lead to a numbera of problems, including decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and even violence. Some signs of burnout include fatigue, cynicism, and a sense of detachment from one’s work.

If you see signs of burnout in your employees, it is important to take steps to address the problem. This may involve providing additional support, reducing workload, or even offering time off.

By creating a safe and supportive work environment, managers can help to prevent employee burnout and violence.

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